Chemical and Biological
Containment System


Chemical and Biological
Containment System
In the event of a leaking chemical munition or IED, rapid
decontamination is essential to minimize injury, prevent loss of
life, and inhibit the uncontrolled spread of contamination.
Immediate and emergency decontamination must be carried out,
to remove, contain and possibly neutralize contaminants. Dry
decontamination should be the default option; FAST-ACT is an
integral part of this Scots Bag II as it allows for immediate dry
decontamination, containment and neutralization of chemical
contaminants. These contaminants can be on the munitions/IEDs
and/or leak from the shell/containments.
TIMILON CORPORATION is pleased to announce the
development of the CBRN EOD/IED leaking munition/IED Scots
Bag II, used in combination with FAST- ACT, TIMILON?s dry
DECON (DEcontamination, COntainment, Neutralization) media.
The Scots Bag II is an improved Chemical and Biological
Containment System that provides Explosive Ordnance Disposal
(EOD) technicians the ability to safely overpack chemical
ordnance, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), or other objects
containing and/or leaking chemical and biological warfare
agents, Toxic Industrial Materials, and other CBRN substances
harmful to human health in a rapid manner with minimal contact
with the substance, while initiating the neutralization process
with 1kg FAST-ACT placed in the bag.
The SCOTS II Bag, comes with 1kg FAST- ACT
and 2 FAST- ACT decontamination mitts. This new bag is a
modification of the SCOTS system which is currently in use by
US Navy and Army EOD elements as an overpack to contain
contaminated chemical munition

Dimensions 96 × 36 cm


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